Home News Complete Arcane Lineage Boss Guide – How to Beat Them All

Complete Arcane Lineage Boss Guide – How to Beat Them All

Mar 17,2025 Author: Aiden

From solo-able pushovers to multi-team behemoths, *Arcane Lineage*'s bosses present a diverse range of challenges. Each encounter boasts unique mechanics demanding strategic thinking and patience for a successful takedown. Victory yields some of the game's most coveted loot and items, so prepare yourself with our comprehensive *Arcane Lineage* boss guide.

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Table of Contents

  • Arcane Lineage Boss List
  • King Slime
  • Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon
  • Thorian, the Rotten
  • Metrom’s Vessel
  • Arkhaia and Seraphon

Arcane Lineage Boss List

**King Slime**Around the CityEasy
**Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon**Inside Mount ThulNormal
**Thorian, the Rotten**Deep in the Cess GroundsHard
**Mettrom’s Vessel**Deeproot CanopyVery Hard
**Seraphon**Unlocked by ranking up in the Church of RaphionHard
**Arkhaia**Unlocked by ranking up in the Cult of ThanasiusVery Hard

King Slime

King Slime Image 1King Slime Image 2King Slime Image 3

While technically a boss, King Slime is more of a mini-boss, posing little threat to experienced players. However, lower-level players should proceed with caution. Note that this boss does not award soul points.

King Slime Location

King Slime spawns after 100 Slimes are killed on the server. It appears near the city closest to the last slain slime's location, announced on the Quest Board. The quest has two steps: Find King Slime; Kill King Slime. This quest has a 30-minute global server cooldown.

King Slime Fighting Strategy

King Slime starts with 400 HP (600 HP if Corrupted), the lowest of any boss. Its main attack involves summoning additional Slimes, which can overwhelm players. It also uses AoE poison attacks; bring potions and cleansing abilities. Its low health makes the fight straightforward: eliminate the Slimes first, then focus on King Slime.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Slime Creation**1Summons a Slime.
**Crush**0Attacks a party member.
**Poison Eruption**2AoE poison attack.
**Scalding Spray**3AoE poison attack.

King Slime Drops and Rewards

Possible drops include: Random Tier 1 Equipment, Slime Buckler, Gelat Ring. Quest board rewards: Ferrus Skin, Potion, Small Health Potion, Essence, Gold.

Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon

Yar'thul Image 1Yar'thul Image 2Yar'thul Image 3

A fire-type boss utilizing fire and inferno-based attacks. Most attacks inflict Inferno and Burning, making preparation crucial. It resists fire and physical damage, but is weak to Hex damage.

Yar’thul Location

Found deep within Mount Thul, an active volcano in the desert.

Yar’thul Fighting Strategy

Yar’thul has 1200 HP (1800 HP if Corrupted). The fight is a race against time due to its high damage output and Inferno/Burning effects. Phase two, triggered below 50% health, involves summoning meteors that inflict stunning and healing reduction. The Corrupted version gains lifesteal.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Inferno**0Automatic Inferno status effect.
**Fire Claw**0Light damage fire attack.
**Magma Pillar**2Magma pillar inflicting Inferno and Burning.
**Blaze Core**3Heals based on consumed Inferno stacks.
**Blaze Eruption**2Damages burning targets, applies Inferno and Burning.
**Magma Beam**4High damage beam attack.
**Hellfire**1AoE attack applying Burning stacks.
**Armageddon**6Below 50% HP, summons a meteor inflicting massive damage, stun, and healing reduction.

Yar’thul Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards: Absolute Radiance, Permafrost Curse, Wild Impulse, Heavenly Prayer, Breath of Fungyir, Narhana’s Sigil, Reality Watch, Shifting Hourglass, Ring of the Dragon, The Void Key (Corrupted Yar’thul). Possible drops: Dragontooth Blade, Dragonbone Gauntlets, Dragonbone Spear, Dragonflame Shield, Memory Fragment, Soul Dust, Phoenix Tear, Resplendant Essence, Lineage Shard, Skyward Totem.

Thorian, the Rotten

Thorian Image 1Thorian Image 2Thorian Image 3

A corrupted creature resistant to most elements but heavily weak to Holy damage.

Thorian Location

Found in the Deeproot Canopy area of the Cess Grounds.

Thorian Fighting Strategy

Thorian has 2600 HP (3900 HP if Corrupted). A key mechanic involves its passive healing: attacking twice with the same type heals it. Vary attack types. It resists most damage except Holy (135% damage). Below 50% health, it unleashes a devastating AoE attack inflicting Plague, Curse, and Hexed.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Cursed Wave**2Damages 3 party members, chance to inflict Curse.
**Overflowing Curse**0Minigame; failure inflicts Plague.
**Cess Breath**1AoE damage and debuffs.
**Warped Crush**1Damages 3 party members.
**Blasphemous Obliteration**5Below 50% HP, AoE attack inflicting Plague, Curse, and Hexed.
**Hexed Burst**1AoE damage, chance to apply debuffs.
**Plague Rupture**2Applies a random debuff then deals massive damage scaling with debuff count.

Thorian Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards: Absolute Radiance, Permafrost Curse, Wild Impulse, Heavenly Prayer, Breath of Fungyir, Stellian Core, Metrom’s Amulet, Darksigil, Ring of Blight, The Void Key (Corrupted Thorian). Possible drops: Blightrock Dagger, Blightwood Staff, Memory Fragment, Soul Dust, Phoenix Tear, Resplendant Essence, Lineage Shard, Skyward totem.

Metrom’s Vessel

Metrom's Vessel Image 1Metrom's Vessel Image 2Metrom's Vessel Image 3

A raid boss requiring a Void Key (obtained from corrupted bosses) and spawning on a global timer.

Metrom’s Vessel Location

Location announced server-wide after the spawn timer.

Metrom’s Vessel Fighting Strategy

Metrom’s Vessel has 10,000 HP (15,000 HP if Corrupted). This fight is a long battle of attrition. It has two phases with distinct mechanics. Phase one involves destroying its wings to reduce damage negation, but destroying all wings before phase two makes the fight harder. It also summons Shadeblades. Phase two features wings with offensive and defensive modes, requiring strategic debuffing. It also summons a Mini Shadebringer for each dodged attack.

Phase 1 Attacks

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Rendering Slash**0Damages and applies Weakness.
**Deathbound**1Applies Sundered to 2 players.
**Eclipse**1Applies a buff to itself.
**Invoke Shadeblades**3Summons two Shadeblades.
**Hexed Rend**3AoE debuff attack.
**Oblivion**5Deals 50% max HP, inflicts Curse.

Phase 2 Attacks

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Oblivion + Eclipse**1Rendering Slash followed by Hexed Rend.
**Unyielding Fury**2AoE debuff inflicting Blind and Hexed.
**Minishade Bringer**3Summons three Shadebringers.
**Shadebringer**1AoE attack applying Cursed.
**Blackout**2AoE debuff attack.

Metrom’s Vessel Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards: Metrom’s Grasp, Chaos Orb, Expedite Anklet, Echo Shard, Tempurus Gem, Arcanium Crystal. Possible drops: Darkblood Staff, Darkblood Dagger, Darkblood Spear, Darkblood Hexer, Darkblood Sword, Darkblood Cestus.

Arkhaia and Seraphon

Arkhaia and Seraphon Image

Arkhaia (7000 HP) and Seraphon (4500 HP) are challenging bosses unlocked by reaching rank 20 in the Cult of Thanasius and Church of Raphion, respectively. Defeating them unlocks the Inferion and Sheea races, respectively.

This concludes our *Arcane Lineage* boss guide. Want to boost your power? Check out our complete Arcane Lineage Class Tier List and guide.




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