Genshin Impact's Wriothesley Rumored for Version 5.4 Rerun After Year-Long Wait
A recent leak suggests Wriothesley, the Cryo Catalyst character introduced in Genshin Impact Version 4.1, will finally receive his first rerun in Version 5.4. This comes after a prolonged absence of over a year, leaving many players eager to add him to their teams.
The ongoing challenge for Genshin Impact lies in balancing its ever-expanding roster of over 90 playable characters with the limited slots available for character reruns on Event Banners. Even assuming a single 5-star character release per patch, the demand for annual reruns far exceeds the supply. While the Chronicled Banner aimed to alleviate this issue, its effectiveness remains debated, as evidenced by Shenhe's extended wait time for a rerun. Until the implementation of triple banners, extended rerun periods are likely to persist.
Wriothesley's potential return in Version 5.4 is particularly noteworthy given his unique Cryo hypercarry capabilities and strong performance in Burnmelt teams. The recent Spiral Abyss buff further enhances his viability, adding weight to the rumor's plausibility. The source of this information, Flying Flame, has a mixed track record, however, so caution is advised.
Version 5.4 is also anticipated to introduce Mizuki, potentially Inazuma's first Standard Banner character. If the leak proves accurate, and Mizuki and Wriothesley share an Event Banner, the remaining 5-star slot may be filled by either Furina or Venti, the only Archons yet to receive sequential reruns. Version 5.4's projected launch date is February 12, 2025.