Dom Aktualności New York Times Strands Hints and Answers for January 10, 2025

New York Times Strands Hints and Answers for January 10, 2025

Jan 23,2025 Autor: Alexis

New York Times Games Strands #313 (January 10, 2025) Solution & Walkthrough

Strands presents a fresh word puzzle challenge! Solve it by deciphering the theme using a single clue, then locating all the words within the letter grid. Need help? This guide provides hints, spoilers, and the complete solution.

The Puzzle: The clue for Strands puzzle #313 is "They're Inseparable." Nine words are hidden: eight themed words and a pangram.

Hints & Clues:

Here's a tiered approach to hints, offering increasing levels of detail:

General Hint 1: Words that are inherently linked.

General Hint 2: Word pairs frequently seen together.

General Hint 3: An example of a fitting pair (not in the puzzle): "Fight" and "Flight."

Word Spoilers (with locations):

If you prefer targeted assistance, here are two words and their positions:

Spoiler 1: "Crafts"

Spoiler 2: "Arts"

Complete Solution:

Ready for the full answer? The category is "Together," and the words are: Arts, Crafts, Rhythm, Blues, Soap, Water, Milk, and Cereal.


The theme, "Together," highlights the inherent pairings: Arts & Crafts, Rhythm & Blues, Soap & Water, Milk & Cereal. These are inseparable pairs, fulfilling the clue "They're Inseparable."

Enjoy the puzzle! Find the New York Times Games Strands website on your preferred device.

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