Thuis Nieuws Helldivers 2: Armor Passive Tier List

Helldivers 2: Armor Passive Tier List

Feb 26,2025 Auteur: Hannah

HellDivers 2 Armor Passives: A Comprehensive Guide and Tier List

HellDivers 2 categoriseert pantser in licht, medium en zwaar, dat van invloed is op mobiliteit en verdediging. De echte kracht ligt echter in de pantser passieven - krachtige voordelen die de gameplay aanzienlijk veranderen. Deze gids geeft alle passieven weer en biedt een Tier -lijst om uw loadouts te optimaliseren.

Alle pantser passieven en hun effecten

De game beschikt momenteel over 14 pantser passieven, die elk van invloed zijn op uw strategie en gevechtseffectiviteit. Vergeet niet dat alleen body pantser passieven bezit; Helmen en capes zijn standaard.

Armor PassiveDescription
Acclimated50% resistance to acid, electrical, fire, and gas damage.
Advanced Filtration80% resistance to gas damage.
Democracy Protects50% chance to survive lethal attacks (e.g., headshots); prevents chest injuries (e.g., internal bleeding).
Electrical Conduit95% resistance to lightning arc damage.
Engineering Kit+2 grenade capacity; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone.
Extra Padding+50 armor rating.
Fortified50% resistance to explosive damage; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone.
Inflammable75% resistance to fire damage.
Med-Kit+2 stim capacity; +2 seconds stim duration.
Peak Physique100% increased melee damage; improved weapon handling (reduced weapon movement drag).
Scout30% reduced enemy detection range; map markers generate radar scans.
Servo-Assisted30% increased throwing range; 50% additional limb health.
Siege-Ready30% increased primary weapon reload speed; 30% increased primary weapon ammo capacity.
Unflinching95% reduced recoil flinching.

Armor Passive Tier List (versie 1,002.003)

Deze laaglijst beoordeelt passieven op basis van de totale waarde, nut en effectiviteit tussen verschillende missies en vijandelijke typen.

TierArmor PassiveRationale
**S**Engineering KitExtra grenades are invaluable for diverse tasks: closing bug holes, destroying fabricators, and utilizing powerful grenades.
Med-KitSignificantly boosts survivability, especially when combined with the Experimental Infusion booster, effectively negating lethal damage.
Siege-ReadySubstantially improves ammo management and reload times, crucial for sustained combat, especially with high-ammo weapons.
**A**Democracy ProtectsProvides a strong defensive boost, particularly in early game, mitigating lethal damage.
Extra PaddingOffers consistent damage resistance.
FortifiedExtremely effective against Automatons, enhancing survival against explosive attacks and improving weapon effectiveness against robotic foes.
Servo-AssistedExcellent against Terminids; increased throwing range allows for safer stratagem deployment and grenade use, while extra limb health aids survivability.
**B**Peak PhysiqueSituational; melee combat is generally avoided, though the reduced weapon drag is beneficial against agile enemies.
InflammableUseful for fire-based builds, especially in environments with fire hazards.
ScoutThe radar effect aids in enemy detection, but its utility is limited by its lack of additional information.
**C**AcclimatedLimited effectiveness as you rarely face all four elemental damage types simultaneously.
Advanced FiltrationOnly valuable for gas-focused builds, and even then, the overall benefit is minimal.
Electrical ConduitPrimarily useful against the Illuminate, but other options often prove superior.
UnflinchingThe reduction in recoil flinch and camera shake has minimal impact on combat effectiveness.

Deze gids en lagenlijst moeten u helpen uw HellDivers 2 -ervaring te optimaliseren. Vergeet niet om uw pantser passieve keuzes aan te passen op basis van de specifieke missie en vijandelijke types die u tegenkomt.

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