Home News Roblox: Type Soul Codes (January 2025)

Roblox: Type Soul Codes (January 2025)

Mar 17,2025 Author: Savannah

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Dive into the thrilling world of Type Soul, a Roblox game inspired by the Bleach universe. Embark on an epic journey, choosing your path as a Quincy, Hollow, or Soul Reaper. Master powerful abilities like Shikai, complete challenging quests and missions, and dominate in intense PvP battles as you explore the vast divisions of Soul Society. This strategic RPG blends character progression, skillful combat, and a captivating storyline for an unforgettable experience. Below, you'll find the latest working codes to unlock exciting in-game rewards. Let's get started!

Updated January 14, 2025, by Artur Novichenko: This guide is regularly updated to bring you the freshest freebies. Check back often for new additions!

All Type Soul Codes

Working Type Soul Codes

  • whodathuh - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • 8by2typejole - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • mahoragathosewhoknow - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • whocareswhatthenameis - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • spendingthanksgivingontype - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • ohioframesperskibidi - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • wasitworthit - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • didntyousaynoupdtonight - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • reallycoolcodehaha - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • yessirupdatetime - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • mythoughtsonthislater - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • miniupdatewowawesome - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • no1amupdate - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • flowerfinally - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • 700kwoahthanks - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • gutteddodgevariantgobrrr - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • ezcodeforconsole - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • quickcodeforcodesocodeyescodehowcodewithcode - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • whenwedance - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • wheresmybuddy - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • yessirupdatetime - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • whatwillyoudoaboutthesecondone - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • reallycoolcodehaha - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • oopswandenexploded - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • youcanrollraresnow - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • noreallythanksfor500m - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • 500mvisitsthankyou - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • letsget500mmore - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • thosewhoknowmango - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • ohsnapwaitsnapignis - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • secretcodethatgives1000rerolls - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • anotherbrickedshutdown - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • sozforbrick - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswellAGAINTWICE - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • newrankedrewards3 - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • nosrepphakudarework - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • amaonetwothreefour - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • avaricecascade - Redeem this code for rewards.
  • guesswhosback - Redeem this code for rewards.

Expired Type Soul Codes

  • sozformobile - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamapackageone - (Requires a certain rank)
  • newrankedrewards2 - (Requires a certain rank)
  • royalisverycool - (Requires a certain rank)
  • wednesdaypatchesmoreplz - (Requires a certain rank)
  • newrankedrewards - (Requires a certain rank)
  • ddanielisevil - (Requires a certain rank)
  • lateupdatesareannoying - (Requires a certain rank)
  • pointsplease - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryforbank - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamataisentwo - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamasuigetsu - (Requires a certain rank)
  • pointsplease - (Requires a certain rank)
  • lateupdatesareannoying - (Requires a certain rank)
  • stefan10kfollowers - (Requires a certain rank)
  • rankedplswork - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorrybugs - (Requires a certain rank)
  • imsorry - (Requires a certain rank)
  • yippeweekly - (Requires a certain rank)
  • visionaryrework - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 1kcristi - (Requires a certain rank)
  • teleportswentdown - (Requires a certain rank)
  • anextracode - (Requires a certain rank)
  • mre10kfollowers - (Requires a certain rank)
  • bloopyhere - (Requires a certain rank)
  • cowoesorry - (Requires a certain rank)
  • meditation - (Requires a certain rank)
  • vultures - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryfortheshutdowns - (Requires a certain rank)
  • helpeduardosmentalsanity - (Requires a certain rank)
  • itstypesoulfriday - (Requires a certain rank)
  • apologycode - (Requires a certain rank)
  • wereached400mvisits - (Requires a certain rank)
  • angrycanadian - (Requires a certain rank)
  • classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty - (Requires a certain rank)
  • veil10k - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamayaren - (Requires a certain rank)
  • streamericdoa - (Requires a certain rank)
  • happyfortuneentvariblessing - (Requires a certain rank)
  • higuys - (Requires a certain rank)
  • explodeincident - (Requires a certain rank)
  • ;)
- (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamastrikesagain - (Requires a certain rank)
  • oops - (Requires a certain rank)
  • cctokenfix - (Requires a certain rank)
  • mreessay - (Requires a certain rank)
  • qkidoexpansion - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamacodesareback - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 200klikeswoah - (Requires a certain rank)
  • myrobloxneedstostopcrashing - (Requires a certain rank)
  • myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 350mvisitsalright - (Requires a certain rank)
  • idontdotheseoften - (Requires a certain rank)
  • bararaqgbincident - (Requires a certain rank)
  • codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak - (Requires a certain rank)
  • reallycooloriginalcodename - (Requires a certain rank)
  • newbosseswow - (Requires a certain rank)
  • codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • cristi10k - (Requires a certain rank)
  • JEANETTEFOUND - (Requires a certain rank)
  • doomaroomeneverexisted - (Requires a certain rank)
  • blazblueincident - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryhopethishelps - (Requires a certain rank)
  • whereiskendoweapondude - (Requires a certain rank)
  • latenightbruh - (Requires a certain rank)
  • latenightfightnight - (Requires a certain rank)
  • cristiqol - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 300mvisits - (Requires a certain rank)
  • whatdoesheevendo - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tama62121 - (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuovarandomcode - (Requires a certain rank)
  • entvari10k - (Requires a certain rank)
  • readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode - (Requires a certain rank)
  • windwake - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamarandomcode - (Requires a certain rank)
  • timetravellermistake - (Requires a certain rank)
  • thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw - (Requires a certain rank)
  • therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace - (Requires a certain rank)
  • thisisnotsigma - (Requires a certain rank)
  • gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin - (Requires a certain rank)
  • causethatstheupdateineed - (Requires a certain rank)
  • ermwhatthetypesoul - (Requires a certain rank)
  • yurrrrlistenman - (Requires a certain rank)
  • thereisnosuchthing - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tweakinpostupdate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • hellopiety - (Requires a certain rank)
  • abracadabra - (Requires a certain rank)
  • hqrsepowered - (Requires a certain rank)
  • arrogantecristi5k - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 2weekdelaywoah - (Requires a certain rank)
  • putthesefoolishambitionstorest - (Requires a certain rank)
  • imnotnamingitthat - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 500kdiscmemberswoo - (Requires a certain rank)
  • lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol - (Requires a certain rank)
  • thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim - (Requires a certain rank)
  • quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 7staredwardnewgate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • AllAccordingToCake - (Requires a certain rank)
  • canyougiftmeacinmightyomega - (Requires a certain rank)
  • codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • ineedasacredscrollindemonhuntertm - (Requires a certain rank)
  • petgod101 - (Requires a certain rank)
  • code1 - (Requires a certain rank)
  • setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tamaverified - (Requires a certain rank)
  • Benihimebuff - (Requires a certain rank)
  • nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld - (Requires a certain rank)
  • almightyeye - (Requires a certain rank)
  • breathlesspumpkle - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tsugokusenku - (Requires a certain rank)
  • somethingrandom - (Requires a certain rank)
  • canyouwrap - (Requires a certain rank)
  • mobileflashpd - (Requires a certain rank)
  • johnboomingg - (Requires a certain rank)
  • avengerlevelthreat - (Requires a certain rank)
  • threatneutralized - (Requires a certain rank)
  • robloxban - (Requires a certain rank)
  • drakos10k - (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuova10k - (Requires a certain rank)
  • devilgene - (Requires a certain rank)
  • badquincy - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sundayupdate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • awesomesauce - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorry4ranked3 - (Requires a certain rank)
  • quickshutdown - (Requires a certain rank)
  • woahreal - (Requires a certain rank)
  • rankedmidseason - (Requires a certain rank)
  • ohwowcool - (Requires a certain rank)
  • delayedwhoops - (Requires a certain rank)
  • bloodedged - (Requires a certain rank)
  • nuovalovesquincy - (Requires a certain rank)
  • quincyktillmybonesdecay - (Requires a certain rank)
  • happyeaster - (Requires a certain rank)
  • spiritgun - (Requires a certain rank)
  • doomatearoom - (Requires a certain rank)
  • eduardobrg - (Requires a certain rank)
  • haveagoodday - (Requires a certain rank)
  • slowpace - (Requires a certain rank)
  • thehonoredone - (Requires a certain rank)
  • triplethreat - (Requires a certain rank)
  • apologyforlate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • middayfixes - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 100kfavourites - (Requires a certain rank)
  • segundanextupdate - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 3shikaireroll - (Requires a certain rank)
  • shutdownsrry - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 55klikes - (Requires a certain rank)
  • tyforfollows - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 35klikes - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 20klikes - (Requires a certain rank)
  • 10klikes - (Requires a certain rank)
  • sorryforshutdown - (Requires a certain rank)

  • How to Redeem Codes for Type Soul

    Redeeming codes in Type Soul is a breeze! Follow these simple steps:

    1. Launch Type Soul and press "Play." New players will need to choose a gender and create a name.
    2. Once in the game, locate the semi-transparent red gift button in the top-left corner.
    3. Click the button to open the code redemption menu.
    4. Enter your code into the "Enter Code Here" field and press Enter.

    Remember, each code can only be used once per account.

    How to Play Type Soul

    Starting your Type Soul adventure? Here's how to get started:

    Becoming a Hollow: Press Ctrl + K.

    Becoming a Quincy: Locate the Wanda gate (coordinates approximately xx:10 and xx:40 – a blue and white gate open for 10 minutes at specific times). Follow the path and interact with the statue NPC to become a Quincy.

    Becoming a Soul Reaper: You can either be purified by an existing Soul Reaper player or look for the Shinigami Quest.

    The Best Roblox Anime Games Like Type Soul

    Looking for more anime action? Check out these top Roblox games:

    • Anime Adventures
    • Anime Souls Simulator
    • Anime Power Tycoon
    • Project Mugetsu
    • Titan Warfare

    About the Type Soul Developers

    Type Soul was developed by a talented team: K1LLUAA, vvithdraw, Khaotxc, 4Data, drakoooos, and cartier361. This is their collaborative debut, and Type Soul's impressive popularity (over 100,000 likes and 150 million visits) speaks volumes about their success.




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