The Steely Resolve event in Pokémon GO, running from January 21st to 26th, marks the highly anticipated arrival of Rookidee, Corvisquire, and Corviknight. This Galar region trio's debut follows a teaser in the December 2024 Dual Destiny Season loading screen.
The event features a new Dual Destiny Special Research, increased spawns of ten Pokémon (including Clefairy, Paldean Wooper, and Carbink), and boosted chances for shiny encounters. Magnetic Lure Modules will attract Pokémon like Onix, Beldum, and Rookidee. Shadow Pokémon can also forget Frustration using Charged TMs.
Event Highlights:
- New Pokémon: Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight
- Special Research: Dual Destiny Special Research with new rewards.
- Field Research: New tasks available.
- Paid Timed Research: A $5 option.
- Increased Spawns: Clefairy, Machop, Totodile, Marill, Hoppip, Paldean Wooper, Shieldon, Bunnelby, Carbink, Mareanie ( denotes shiny possibility).
- Raids: One-star raids featuring Lickitung, Skorupi, Pancham, and Amaura; Five-star raids with Deoxys (Attack and Defense Forms) and Dialga; Mega raids with Mega Gallade and Mega Medicham (* denotes shiny possibility).
- 2km Eggs: Shieldon, Carbink, Mareanie, Rookidee (* denotes shiny possibility).
- Featured Attacks: Evolving specific Pokémon during the event will grant them unique attacks (e.g., Corviknight learning Iron Head).
- GO Battle Week: Running concurrently, this offers 4x Stardust from win rewards, increased daily battle sets (20 instead of 5), and free battle-themed Timed Research.
The Steely Resolve event also coincides with other exciting January events, including the return of Shadow Ho-Oh in Shadow Raids and the continuation of Dynamax raids featuring the Kanto Legendary Birds. The Pokémon GO Community Day Classic also makes a comeback. This packed schedule promises a thrilling start to the year for Pokémon GO players.