Home News Pokémon Go’s Fidough Fetch event is now live, giving you a shot at catching the Puppy Pokémon as you complete various challenges

Pokémon Go’s Fidough Fetch event is now live, giving you a shot at catching the Puppy Pokémon as you complete various challenges

Jan 23,2025 Author: Nora

Pokémon Go's Fidough Fetch event is live until January 7th, bringing with it the adorable Puppy Pokémon, Fidough, and its evolution, Dachsbun! This event offers a chance to catch these newcomers and earn fantastic rewards by completing global challenges.

Until January 7th, trainers can encounter Fidough throughout the Pokémon Go world. Collect 50 Fidough Candy to evolve it into Dachsbun. Participate in Global Challenges, focusing on Nice Curveball Throws, to unlock escalating rewards, including increased XP and Stardust. Don't forget to redeem those Pokémon Go codes for extra goodies!


Beyond Fidough, boosted wild spawns include Growlithe, Voltorb, Snubbull, Electrike, Lillipup, and Poochyena, with shiny possibilities! Lucky trainers might even spot Hisuian Growlithe and Greavard.

For those preferring a less mobile approach, event-themed Field Research tasks provide Stardust, Poké Balls, and encounters with event Pokémon. And don't forget to showcase your new catches in the Pokémon Showcases! Enjoy the event!




PS5 New Beta Update Brings Several QoL Improvements


索尼在其发布游戏会话 URL 链接功能后,为 PlayStation 5 推出了新的测试版更新。继续阅读以了解此更新的功能以及哪些用户可以参与。 索尼宣布推出新的 PS5 测试版更新,包含个性化 3D 音频等功能 测试版更新的主要功能 索尼产品管理副总裁若井宏美 (Hiromi Wakai) 昨天在 PlayStation.Blog 上宣布,从今天开始,PlayStation 5 将推出一个新的测试版更新,其中包含个性化 3D 音频配置文件、增强的远程游玩设置以及针对控制器的自适应充电功能。 此更新的一大亮点功能是能够为耳机和耳塞创建个性化 3D 音频配置文件。此自定义功能允许用户通过根据其独

Author: NoraReading:0



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Author: NoraReading:0



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Author: NoraReading:0



Monopoly GO: Snowy Resort Rewards And Milestones


Monopoly GO 冬季度假胜地活动:奖励与里程碑 热门棋盘游戏Monopoly GO为玩家准备了诸多精彩活动,其中最新活动之一便是竞速小游戏,玩家可以与好友组队竞速,共同赢取丰厚奖励。游戏通常每月举办一次竞速活动,而1月份,Scopely推出了“雪地竞速者”活动。 与之前的竞速活动一样,Monopoly GO玩家需要旗帜代币才能参与。为了帮助玩家收集更多代币,“冬季度假胜地”主题活动应运而生。该活动于1月8日开始,持续两天,于1月10日结束。除了旗帜代币外,您还可以在此主题活动中赢取许多其他酷炫奖励。本指南将引导您了解在“冬季度假胜地”Monopoly GO活动期间可以获得的所有奖励。

Author: NoraReading:0