The Pokémon GO Dual Destiny season brings exciting changes to the GO Battle League. This season, running from December 3, 2024, to March 4, 2025, resets player ranks, introduces new rewards, and offers fresh Pokémon encounters. Let's explore the Dual Destiny season's rewards and encounter details.
Dual Destiny Season Start Date:
The Dual Destiny season kicks off on December 3, 2024, and concludes on March 4, 2025. Rank resets in the GO Battle League provide a fresh start for all trainers.
Guaranteed Rank-Up Encounters:
Reaching specific ranks guarantees an encounter with a particular Pokémon. These are one-time encounters upon reaching the designated rank.
GO Battle League Rank |
Guaranteed Pokémon Encounter |
Rank 1 |
Scraggy |
Rank 6 |
Sandile |
Ace Rank |
Jangmo-o |
Veteran Rank |
Deino |
Expert Rank |
Frigibax |
Legend Rank |
Pikachu Libre |
Note: All guaranteed encounters, except Frigibax, have a chance to be Shiny.
Standard Encounters:
Unlike guaranteed encounters, standard encounters offer repeated chances to catch featured Pokémon at various ranks throughout the season.
GO Battle League Rank |
Pokémon Encounter |
Rank 1 |
Machop |
Rank 1 |
Clefairy |
Rank 1 |
Mienfoo |
Rank 1 |
Bunnelby |
Rank 1 |
Fletchling |
Rank 6 |
Frillish |
Rank 6 |
Togedemaru |
Rank 11 |
Teddiursa |
Rank 11 |
Galarian Stunfisk |
Rank 11 |
Phantump |
Rank 11 |
Cetoddle |
Rank 16 |
Hisuian Sneasel |
Rank 16 |
Pancham |
Rank 16 |
Totodile |
Rank 20 |
Currently Active 5-Star Raid Boss |
Ace Rank |
Jangmo-o |
Veteran Rank |
Deino |
Expert Rank |
Frigibax |
Most standard encounter Pokémon can be Shiny, except for Cetoddle and Frigibax.
GO Battle Week Bonuses (January 21-26, 2025):
- 4x Stardust for win rewards
- Increased battle limit (up to 20 battles daily)
- Battle-themed Timed Research with various rewards (including Grimsley's shoes)
- Wider range of Attack, Defense, and HP stats for reward encounter Pokémon
Avatar Item Rewards:

GO Battle League Rank |
Avatar Item Reward |
Ace Rank |
Grimsley Shoes |
Veteran Rank |
Grimsley Pants |
Expert Rank |
Grimsley Top |
Legend Rank |
Grimsley Avatar Pose |
These Grimsley-themed avatar items complete a stylish cosplay. Pokémon GO is available now on mobile devices. This article was updated on 12/4/2024.