Crunchyroll, the leading anime streaming service, has launched a unique new game: PictoQuest, a charming puzzle RPG now available on Android. This retro-styled RPG is exclusive to Crunchyroll Mega Fan and Ultimate Fan subscribers.
What is PictoQuest?
PictoQuest transports players to Pictoria, a land where legendary paintings have vanished. Players must recover these paintings by solving picross-style puzzles, battling enemies, and outsmarting the mischievous wizard, Moonface. The game cleverly integrates RPG elements, such as a health system that acts as a timer and a shop offering potions and power-ups. Completing puzzles unlocks access to a world map with villagers offering special missions. The gameplay is showcased in the trailer below:
[YouTube Video Embed:]
For Crunchyroll Subscribers Only
While lacking traditional RPG features like leveling or skill trees, PictoQuest delivers a satisfying casual gaming experience. Crunchyroll Mega Fan and Ultimate Fan subscribers can download PictoQuest for free from the Google Play Store. Don't miss this unique blend of picross and RPG mechanics! Also, check out our other article on the Puzzle & Dragons x That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime collaboration!