Home News Infinity Nikki's Choo Choo Train: A Rail Journey Unveiled

Infinity Nikki's Choo Choo Train: A Rail Journey Unveiled

Jan 19,2025 Author: Zoe

Infinity Nikki

This guide explains how to ride the Choo-Choo Train in Infinity Nikki. This daily wish requires players to board a functioning train, but the process isn't immediately clear. This guide provides a step-by-step solution.

Note: Players must progress to Chapter 5 before accessing the Choo-Choo Train.

Repairing the Choo-Choo Train:

First, complete the main quest "Ghost Train" in Chapter 5. Then, locate Blooming Flora, an NPC west of the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire in the Abandoned District (see maps below - Note: Maps are not included in this text output as image inclusion was not requested.). Speak with her to initiate the world quest "Home on the Rails." This quest involves gathering train parts and a conductor. Upon completion, the Choo-Choo Train will be repaired.

Riding the Choo-Choo Train:

  1. Return to the platform near the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire.
  2. If the train is present, enter the passenger car to ride.
  3. If the train is absent, close and restart Infinity Nikki and check again. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the train appears.

Choo-Choo Train Stops:

The Choo-Choo Train has multiple stops in the Abandoned District. The method above works for any station, but the one near the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire is easily accessible after completing "Home on the Rails."




Netflix updates a classic with their iteration of Minesweeper, out now!


Netflix Games 推出经典扫雷游戏全新版本!这款由微软在90年代首发于PC平台的经典游戏,其设计理念更为古老,如今以焕然一新的面貌回归,带来全面的画面升级和环球探险模式。 与Netflix Games其他独立游戏大作和剧集衍生游戏相比,这款新作显得更为简洁。事实上,它是一款我们大多数人在其他设备上早已习以为常的益智游戏——经典扫雷。在Netflix版扫雷游戏中,你将环游世界,排查危险地雷,解锁新的地标。 扫雷游戏规则简单易懂。当然,它并非真正意义上的“简单”,但对于在微软扫雷游戏中长大的那一代人来说,可能会有不同看法。简单来说,游戏名副其实,你需要在一个网格中寻找地雷。 点击任意方格

Author: ZoeReading:0



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