The acclaimed cyberpunk anime game, Punishing: Gray Raven, receives a major content update, "Blazing Simulacrum," featuring a collaboration with the BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER franchise. This update is the most significant since launch and includes a new story chapter, new and returning SFX coatings, numerous limited-time events, and a new A-Rank Omniframe: BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER.
BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER boasts a new exclusive coating, "Elder Flame," and is remarkably easy to obtain for new players (within 10 pulls). She wields the exclusive "★Rock Cannon" and possesses unique skills designed to perfectly match her original character style, including damage dealing while unleashing her signature move. She's ideal for fire-based teams.
The update also introduces new coatings like Snowbreak Bloom (Liv: Luminance) and Nightbreaker (Lucia: Crimson Weave), alongside the return of popular coatings such as Solitary Dream (Bianca: Stigmata) and Vox Solaris (Selene: Capriccio). A new roguelike Chessboard Realms gameplay mode is also included.
About Punishing: Gray Raven
Set in a dystopian future ravaged by a biomechanical virus ("The Punishing") and its robotic army, the game casts players as the leader of the Gray Raven special forces unit, fighting to reclaim humanity's home from the Corrupted. Based on Babylonia space station, players must build an army and retake their world.
Since its 2021 release, Punishing: Gray Raven has seen numerous updates, maintaining its fast-paced ARPG gameplay and growing player base. A PC client and English dub were added in 2023. The game is available for free on Android, iOS, and PC.
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