Many Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC players are unaware that the Blessing of Marika can be used by their Mimic Tear, a feature that can be an absolute game-changer in difficult boss battles. Fans have been debating the utility of the Blessing of Marika ever since Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree was released, with many accidentally wasting the item since it was initially thought to be reusable.
Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has been off to a strange start. While the expansion was widely acclaimed for several aspects, Shadow of the Erdtree only managed to get mixed reviews on Steam. Fans have a number of reservations about certain things such as the lack of good loot, the open world being lackluster in certain areas, and of course, the difficulty. For players who are having a hard time with the game, there is an extremely useful item they might be unaware of.
As highlighted by Twitch streamer Ziggy_Princess_, the Blessing of Marika might actually have much more utility than initially thought. Notably, The Blessing of Marika is one of the items that can be used by the Mimic Tear in Elden Ring, which means that it will be able to heal itself while fighting against the enemy. Until now, the only way for the Mimic Tear to heal itself was by using Raw Meat Dumpling, but that only restored 50% of the maximum HP. The Blessing of Marika, on the other hand, restores HP completely.
How To Use The Blessing of Marika With The Mimic Tear
In order to use this feature, players will need to have the Blessing of Marika equipped in their Quick Items slot. That is the place where they have their Flask of Crimson/Cerulean Tears, Spectral Seed, and Spirit Summons equipped in Elden Ring. Once players have it in the Quick Items, they can simply summon the Mimic Tear, and they will automatically be able to use the item whenever required. What makes this item even more useful is the fact that the Mimic Tear will not be restricted to using this only once, and will instead spawn with unlimited quantities of the Blessing of Marika.
The Blessing of Marika can be found pretty early on in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree's Gravesite Plains, and it has left many confused. Considering that at first glance it looks like another flask, many players ended up consuming it only to realize that it is not reusable. Thankfully, players can get more than one of these in the game, so even if they accidentally used the one they got early on, they can grab another one later by defeating a Tree Sentinel or from the Fort of Reprimand.