Clash of Clans: A Guide to Supporting Your Favorite Creators with Creator Codes
Clash of Clans, a global phenomenon, demands strategic prowess and clever tactics. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fresh recruit, there's always room for improvement. Many players rely on their favorite content creators for insightful strategies, base designs, and game-changing tips. Just like other Supercell games, Clash of Clans lets you show your appreciation by using creator codes. By using these codes and making in-game purchases, you directly support the creators who help you conquer the battlefield.
Updated January 5, 2025, by Artur Novichenko: This guide is regularly updated with the latest creator codes. Check back often for additions!
All Clash of Clans Creator Codes
The following list provides a comprehensive selection of creator codes. Choose the creator whose content you enjoy most!
- Akari Gaming - akari
- Alvaro845 - alvaro845
- Anikilo - anikilo
- Anon Moose - zmot
- Ark - ark
- Artube Clash - artube
- Ash (CWA) - cwa
- Ash Brawl Stars - ashbs
- AshJer- aj
- Ashtax - ashtax
- AuRuM TV - aurum
- Axael TV - axael
- BangSkot - bangskot
- Beaker's Lab - beak
- BenTimm1 - bt1
- Big Vale - bigvale
- BigSpin - bigspin
- Boss LA - lazer
- B-rad - brad
- Brawlify - brawlify
- BroCast - brocast
- Bruna7Cr - bruna7cr
- Bruno Clash - brunoclash
- Bucanero - bucanero
- Captain Ben - cptnben
- CarbonFin Gaming - carbonfin
- Chief Pat - pat
- ChiefAvalon eSports and Gaming - chiefavalon
- Clash Bashing - bash
- Clash Champs - clash champs
- Clash com Nery - nery
- Clash King - clashking
- Clash of Stats - cos
- Clash Royale Dicas - clashdicas
- Clash with Eric - OneHive - eric
- Clash Ninja - ninja
- Clashing N Games - cng
- ClashPlayhouse - avi
- ClashSpot - clashspot
- ClashTrack - clashtrack
- CLASHwithSHANE - shane
- Coach Cory - cory
- Coco - coco
- CorruptYT - corrupt
- CosmicDuo - cosmic
- DarkBarbarian - wikibarbar
- Deck Shop - deckshop
- Decow do Canal - decow
- Doluk - doluk
- ECHO Gaming - echo
- Elchiki - elchiki
- Emre Kara - emre
- eVe MAXI - maxi
- Ewelina - ewe
- Ferre - ferre
- Fluxxy - fluxxy
- FullFrontage - fullfrontage
- Galadon Gaming - galadon
- GizmoSpike - gizmo
- Godson-Gaming - godson
- gouloulou - gouloulou
- Grax - grax
- Havoc Gaming - havoc
- Hey! Brother - heybrother
- iTzu - itzu
- Jaso - jaso
- Jo Jonas - jojonas
- Joe McDonalds - joe
- Judo Sloth Gaming - judo
- JUNE - june
- KairosTime Gaming - kairos
- Ken - ken
- Kenny Jo - clashjo
- Klaus Gaming - klaus
- Lex - lex
- Lukas - Brawl Stars - lukas
- M1CHA3L - michael
- Malcaide - malcaide
- Maomix - maomix
- MarkoKC - markokc
- Mautic - mautic
- Menerv - menerv
- MICHELINDA GAME - michelindagame
- MOLT - molt
- mortenroyale - morten
- MrMobilefanboy - mbf
- nana - nana
- nat ♡ - nat
- Noobs iMTV - noobs
- NotErikuh - erikuh
- NyteOwl - owl
- OG - og
- OOfro - oofro
- Optimus Prime - optimus
- Orange Juice Gaming - oj
- Ouah Leouff - ouah
- Oynamak Lazım - omer
- Oyun Gemisi - oyungemisi
- Panda Casts - pan
- Pioupiou - pioupiou
- PitBullFera - pitbullfera
- Pixel Crux - crux
- puuki - puuki
- R S CLASH - rsclash
- R3DKNIGHT - r3dknight
- Radical Rosh - radical
- Rey - rey
- Romain Dot Live - romain
- RoyaleAPI - royaleapi
- Rozetmen - rozetmen
- SHELBI - shelbi
- Sidekick - sidekick
- Sir Moose Gaming - moose
- SirTagCR - sirtag
- SkullCrusher Boom Beach - skullcrusher
- sokingrcq - soking
- spAnser - spanser
- Spartafail - spartafail
- Srta Maverick - mave
- Stats Royale - stats
- Stormm - stormm
- Sumit 007 - sumit007
- Surgical Goblin - surgicalgoblin
- Suzie - suzie
- The Chicken 2 - chicken
- Trymacs - trymacs
- Tryso - tryso
- Turtle - turtle
- TwentyFour Bytes - twenty
- Vinhô - vinho
- Well Played - cauemp
- WithZack - withzack
- Yde - yde
- YoSoyRick - yosoyrick
- Zolokotroko TOP - zoloko
- Zsomac - zsomac
(Creator nickname is listed to the left, code to the right.)
How to Redeem Creator Codes in Clash of Clans
Redeeming codes is quick and easy. Follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Home screen.
- Locate the settings button (gear icon) on the right. Tap it.
- In the settings menu, find "More Settings" in the bottom right corner. Tap it.
- Scroll to the bottom and find the "Creator Boost" section.
- Tap "Enter Code."
- Enter your chosen creator code in the input field.
- Tap "Send Code."
You can change your supported creator at any time by repeating these steps.