Home News Befriend Stardew Valley's Marnie: Secret Tips Revealed

Befriend Stardew Valley's Marnie: Secret Tips Revealed

Jan 24,2025 Author: Jonathan

This guide explores how to befriend Marnie in Stardew Valley, a beloved character known for her animal affection, connection to Mayor Lewis, and occasional absence from her shop. Building a friendship with Marnie offers valuable early-game benefits, including recipes and free hay.

Updated January 4, 2025, to reflect the 1.6 update.

Gifting Marnie: Presents are key to winning Marnie's favor. Gifts given on her birthday (Fall 18th) provide 8x the usual friendship points.

Loved Gifts (80 friendship points):

  • Universal Loves: Prismatic Shard, Pearl, Magic Rock Candy, Golden Pumpkin, Rabbit's Foot, Stardrop Tea. (Note: Obtaining Prismatic Shards and Magic Rock Candy can be challenging; Golden Pumpkins are acquired annually at the Spirit's Eve festival; Rabbit's Feet are a chance drop from happy rabbits; Pearls are rewards from the Mermaid's song or Blobfish ponds; Stardrop Tea is a rare find from various sources, including the Prize Machine.)
  • Diamond (found in the Mines).
  • Cooked Meals: Pink Cake, Pumpkin Pie, Farmer's Lunch (recipes obtained through gameplay).

Liked Gifts (45 friendship points):

  • Eggs (excluding Void Eggs).
  • Milk.
  • Quartz.
  • Most Flowers (excluding Poppies).
  • Fruit Tree Fruits (Apples, Apricots, Oranges, Peaches, Pomegranates, Cherries).
  • Artisan Goods (Wine, Jelly, Pickles, Honey, excluding Oil and Void Mayonnaise).
  • Other Gemstones (Ruby, Emerald, Topaz).
  • Stardew Valley Almanac (Farming skill book – obtainable through various means, including the Bookseller).

Disliked & Hated Gifts: Avoid giving Marnie Salmonberries, Seaweed, Wild Horseradish, Holly, crafting materials, raw fish, crafted items (fences, bombs, etc.), and Geodes.

Movie Theater: Inviting Marnie to the movies offers significant friendship points. She enjoys all films, but prefers The Miracle at Coldstar Ranch (Winter, odd-numbered years) and Ice Cream Sandwiches/Stardrop Sorbet.

Quests: Completing Marnie's quests significantly boosts friendship. These include providing Amaranth (Fall 3rd) and a Cave Carrot (after reaching 3 hearts).

Friendship Perks: Reaching certain friendship levels unlocks recipes (Pale Broth at 3 hearts, Rhubarb Pie at 7 hearts) and occasional gifts of hay.




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