In Avowed, the decision to attack or spare Captain Aelfyr during the "A Path to the Garden" quest presents a compelling choice. This guide explores the ramifications of each option.
Attacking Captain Aelfyr: The Optimal Choice
Attacking Aelfyr yields significant rewards, making it the strategically superior option. The most notable reward is the unique Death Knight Gloves.
Image Source: Obsidian Entertainment via The Escapist
These gloves are particularly beneficial for defenders and elemental fighters, offering a 10% reduction in stamina cost while blocking and a 15% boost to frost damage. Additional loot from Aelfyr's corpse includes:
- Garnet (Gem)
- Silver Fenning coins x26
- Exceptional Scale Armor (+0/3)
- Exceptional Great Sword (+0/3)
Furthermore, you can loot the fallen Steel Garrote soldiers surrounding her. The exceptional-quality armor and weapon are valuable additions, especially for players who haven't prioritized gear upgrades.
Sparing Captain Aelfyr: The Unrewarding Path
Choosing to spare Aelfyr offers no tangible rewards. The encounter with Aelfyr and her soldiers is challenging, so avoiding the fight might be considered a reward in itself, particularly for under-leveled players who could temporarily reduce the game's difficulty. The impact on Giatta's disposition is minimal, resulting in only slight variations in dialogue.
While the choice is ultimately yours, attacking and killing Captain Aelfyr in Avowed provides substantial rewards, including unique and powerful equipment. Weigh the challenge of the fight against the potential loot gains to make the best decision for your playthrough.