868-Hack, the beloved mobile game, is poised for a comeback with its sequel, 868-Back, now seeking funding through a crowdfunding campaign. This roguelike digital dungeon crawler lets players experience the thrill of hacking cyberpunk mainframes.
While cyber warfare often falls short of its glamorous portrayal in media, 868-Hack successfully captures the essence of hacking. Similar to the acclaimed PC game Uplink, it masterfully balances simplicity and challenge, making the complex world of programming and information warfare accessible and engaging. The original 868-Hack delivered on its promise, and 868-Back aims to build upon that success.
868-Back retains the core gameplay of its predecessor, allowing players to chain together "Progs" to execute complex actions, much like real-world programming. However, this sequel boasts an expanded world, revamped Progs, enhanced visuals, and improved audio.
A Cyberpunk Hacking Experience
868-Hack's gritty art style and cyberpunk aesthetic are undeniably appealing. Given the challenges faced by independent developers, supporting this crowdfunding campaign feels worthwhile. While inherent risks exist in crowdfunding projects, we're optimistic about the potential of 868-Back. We wish developer Michael Brough the best of luck in bringing this exciting sequel to fruition.