ニュース Uncharted Waters Origin Drops the New Investment Season along with New Admirals!

Uncharted Waters Origin Drops the New Investment Season along with New Admirals!

Jan 22,2025 著者: Jonathan

Uncharted Waters Origin Drops the New Investment Season along with New Admirals!

Uncharted Waters Origin's Investment Season update is here! Line Games, Motif, and Koei Tecmo Games have launched a major content drop featuring a new Admiral, massive ships, and a brand-new route.

Investment Season Highlights:

The star of the show is Elizabeth Shirland, aka Cutlass Liz, a formidable S-Grade Admiral and English privateer. A former chief navigator for Francis Drake, she now commands her own pirate crew, pursuing treasure and embracing a high-stakes lifestyle. Complete her memoirs for exclusive rewards.

Joining the adventure are two new S-Grade Mates: Chloé de La Baume and Kualha Binti Phahibi. Plus, players who've cultivated friendships at the inn can recruit Yeonhee and Muyoung as S-Grade Mates.

The Investment Season introduces a new system. Invest in ventures using Investment Deeds, acquire exclusive items from the Investment Shop, and enjoy increased dividends. Mayors even receive extra weekly Blue Gems!

Shipbuilding has been streamlined, allowing for faster fleet construction. Grade 22 Massive Ships, including the Temeraire, Flying Cloud, and Endeavour, are now available.

Explore the newly opened Northwest Passage, charting the northern American seas and uncovering two new cities and villages.

Competition Shop Season 3 (Adventure):

Earn Adventure Fame from January 13th to January 26th and exchange it for Blue Gems and Season 3 Competition Tokens.

Download Uncharted Waters Origin from the Google Play Store and dive into the Investment Season! Stay tuned for our next article covering the Free Fire x Naruto Shippuden crossover event, Nine Tails Striking in Bermuda!




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著者: Jonathan読む:0



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著者: Jonathan読む:0





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著者: Jonathan読む:0



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著者: Jonathan読む:0