ニュース When Does Every Party Member Join In Metaphor: ReFantazio?

When Does Every Party Member Join In Metaphor: ReFantazio?

Jan 22,2025 著者: Ava

When Does Every Party Member Join In Metaphor: ReFantazio?

Metaphor: ReFantazio's eight-member party: A guide to recruitment timing.

Beyond the protagonist, seven companions will join your adventure in Metaphor: ReFantazio, each contributing their unique combat skills. While Gallica is present from the outset, her combat role is initially limited.

Spoiler Warning: This guide reveals the specific days each party member joins your ranks. Proceed with caution if you prefer to discover this organically.

Each party member's arrival is tied to specific story events. Some join unexpectedly, adding a layer of surprise to the gameplay.

Important Note: Each party member awakens to a unique Archetype, usable by any party member once unlocked. Early recruits may be initially AI-controlled before their Archetype activation.

Party Member Recruitment Schedule:

  • Strohl (Warrior): Joins on June 5th (Border Fort events), but his Archetype awakens the following day, June 6th (Nord Mines). Until then, he's AI-controlled.

  • Grius: Joins after the Border Fort events, but becomes a fully playable character on June 6th, after Strohl's Archetype awakening. Note: Grius doesn't undergo a traditional Archetype awakening.

  • Hulkenberg (Knight): Interacts with the party from June 10th, fully joining and awakening her Archetype during the boss fight on June 11th.

  • Heismay (Thief): Appears in Martira's free time segment (mostly linear). His Archetype awakens and he joins the party on July 4th, within Martira's main dungeon.

  • Junah (Masked Dancer): While present throughout the game, Junah joins the party after her Archetype awakening on August 13th.

  • Eupha (Summoner): Eupha's recruitment offers flexibility. Complete the Dragon Temple Dungeon anytime between August 19th and September 4th (Viraga Island free time) to recruit her for the final boss fight. Note: Her Bond quest begins after this period.

  • Basilio (Berserker): Awakens and joins on September 11th (Saint's Day events). However, he's not usable in combat until the following day (optional).




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著者: Ava読む:0



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著者: Ava読む:0



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著者: Ava読む:0



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著者: Ava読む:0