ニュース Farming Simulator 23 releases new update featuring four new farming machines

Farming Simulator 23 releases new update featuring four new farming machines

Jan 22,2025 著者: Michael

Farming Simulator 23 Mobile Gets Major Equipment Update: John Deere, New Holland, and More!

Farming Simulator 23, while its successor (Farming Simulator 25) has launched on PC and consoles, continues to receive updates for mobile and Nintendo Switch players. The fifth update adds four significant pieces of farming equipment, bolstering in-game options for players.

This update introduces machinery from agricultural giants John Deere and New Holland, among others. The powerful John Deere 9000 Series forage harvester streamlines crop management, while the New Holland T9.700, their most powerful 4WD tractor to date, provides serious horsepower.

Grassland farmers will appreciate the addition of the KUHN GA 15131 four-rotor windrower, enhancing hay handling efficiency. The Pöttinger HIT 16.18 T tedder simplifies hay spreading and drying. These additions, following the Kubota lineup update, significantly improve gameplay efficiency.

ytThis expansion offers more choices to customize your farming strategy, whether you're focused on fleet expansion or grassland optimization. The new machinery promises effective performance across various farming tasks. Watch the embedded trailer for a closer look at the new equipment.

For more farming fun on iOS, check out our list of top farming games!

Giants Software assures players that this is not the final update for the mobile version of Farming Simulator 23; more content is planned. Meanwhile, PC and console players can jump into the latest installment, Farming Simulator 25.

Download Farming Simulator 23 now via your preferred link below. Visit the official website for further details.




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著者: Michael読む:0