Atomfall Acture AccessDeluxe Editionの購入者は3日間のヘッドスタートを獲得します!標準リリース日の3日前に、2025年3月24日からAtomfallにアクセスします。正確なリリース時間は指定されていませんが、3日前に標準の起動時間と一致する可能性があります。
著者: Claire読む:0
While pursuing a mysterious dragon, you'll encounter a fierce battle with Rey Dau, a formidable monster in *Monster Hunter Wilds*. This enraged beast is out for blood, and unfortunately, your hunting party is in its sights.
Known Habitats: Windward Plains
Breakable Parts: Horns, Wings, Tail
Recommended Elemental Attacks: Ice and Water
Effective Status Effects: Poison (2x), Sleep (2x), Paralysis (1x), Blastblight (2x), Stun (1x), Exhaust (2x)
Effective Items: Pitfall Trap, Flash Pod, Dung Pod
あなたが *モンスターハンターワイルド *で直面した最初のドラゴンであるレイダウは、稲妻の要素を所有しており、稲妻ベースの攻撃の免疫をレンダリングします。 However, it's highly vulnerable to water and ice.頭(4つ星の脱力感)または翼(3つ星の脱力感)を攻撃することを優先します。頑丈な胴体と十分に保護された脚を避けてください。 Utilize all status effects except Stun and Paralysis.
Employ Flash Pods to temporarily stun Rey Dau, creating openings for significant damage. Capitalize on this window by targeting its glowing red horns during its lightning attacks (enter Focus Mode for optimal targeting).
Enhance your survivability by equipping gear that boosts elemental resistance. The Hope Armor set, with its Divine Blessing skill (damage reduction and resistance to Lightning and Fire), is a strong choice. Consider consuming meals that further boost elemental resistance.
Rey Dau's flight patterns will shift the battleground. In the Windward Plains, utilize Vine Traps on the lone tree to briefly stun it. However, exercise caution near its nest, where it employs a powerful follow-up lightning attack.
Capturing Rey Dau offers alternative rewards. Reduce its health to near-death (indicated by a skull icon on the mini-map). Deploy a Pitfall Trap (Shock Traps are ineffective against lightning dragons) and swiftly follow up with a Tranquilizer before it escapes.
Monster Hunter Wildsは、PlayStation、Xbox、およびPCで利用できます。