Casa App Stile di vita MTailor


Stile di vita 6.3.9 90.54M

Apr 17,2024

Dì addio ai vestiti che non ti stanno bene con MTailor! Stanco dei vestiti che non ti stanno bene? MTailor ha rivoluzionato il modo in cui ti misuri, offrendo una tecnologia all'avanguardia che è il 20% più precisa di un sarto professionista. In soli 30 secondi, utilizzando il tuo dispositivo mobile, avrai pr

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Descrizione dell'applicazione

Say Goodbye to Ill-Fitting Clothes with MTailor!

Tired of clothes that don't quite fit right? MTailor has revolutionized the way you measure yourself, offering a cutting-edge technology that's 20% more accurate than a professional tailor. In just 30 seconds, using your mobile device, you'll have precise measurements that ensure your clothes fit like a dream.

MTailor offers a wide range of custom clothing options for both men and women:

  • Men: Dress shirts, suits, blazers, pants, jeans, chinos, shorts, and tees.
  • Women: Custom jeans.

Customize every detail of your clothing with just a few taps:

  • Fabric type
  • Collar style
  • And more!

Enjoy the benefits of MTailor:

  • Accurate Measurements: Get perfectly fitting clothes with our innovative technology.
  • Wide Selection: Find the perfect style for you, from classic to trendy.
  • Easy Customization: Make your clothes truly unique with our simple customization options.
  • Free Shipping & Returns: Order with confidence, knowing you can return your items for a full refund.
  • Quick and Convenient: Measure yourself and order your clothes from the comfort of your home.
  • Quality Assurance: We use high-quality materials and skilled craftsmanship to create durable and stylish garments.

Upgrade your wardrobe with MTailor today! Download the app and experience the joy of perfectly tailored clothing. Never settle for ill-fitting clothes again.

Stile di vita

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