Heim Nachricht How To Get Gold and Silver Frost in Marvel Rivals (& How to Use it)

How To Get Gold and Silver Frost in Marvel Rivals (& How to Use it)

Jan 22,2025 Autor: Bella

Winter has arrived, bringing with it the first seasonal event for NetEase Games' Marvel Rivals: the Winter Celebration! Players can acquire a wealth of new content, including a fresh spray, nameplate, MVP animation, emotes, and a brand-new skin for the charming Jeff the Land Shark.

Obtaining these rewards requires two new seasonal currencies: Gold Frost and Silver Frost. Fortunately, earning them is relatively simple. This guide explains how to acquire both Gold Frost and Silver Frost in Marvel Rivals, and how to use them.

Acquiring Gold Frost in Marvel Rivals

Gold Frost is the premium seasonal currency earned by completing missions within the new Arcade mode, Jeff's Winter Splash Festival. These missions are located in the [Event] Winter Celebration section under the Missions tab. Each completed mission grants one Gold Frost. This currency is crucial for upgrading Jeff the Land Shark's seasonal card, making it the primary collectible during the event.

Here's a list of missions (currently available) that reward Gold Frost:

[Event] Winter Celebration Missions Reward Complete 3 matches in Jeff's Winter Splash Festival. One Gold Frost Complete 3 matches in Jeff's Winter Splash Festival. One Gold Frost Win 3 matches in Jeff's Winter Splash Festival. One Gold Frost Win 2 matches in Jeff's Winter Splash Festival with your team's decoration rate above 40%. One Gold Frost Win 2 matches in Jeff's Winter Splash Festival with your own score over 6,000 points. One Gold Frost Win 1 match in Jeff's Winter Splash Festival. One Gold Frost
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