Gamers will find various characters on the Fortnite Battle Royale island, and they all add something unique to the game. There are two types of NPCs in Fortnite, friendly characters that provide helpful services and hostile characters that will shoot on sight. Even though gamers might feel inclined to only approach the friendly folk on the island, both types can be crucial to getting a Victory Royale.
Whether it's a powerful villain or a friendly face looking to follow players into battle, this guide will show them where they can go in order to find every non-playable character on the Chapter 6 Season 1 map.
Updated on December 24, 2024, by Ashely Claudino: This guide has been updated with the NPCs added to the Fortnite Battle Royale map for the 2024 Winterfest event.
Friendly Character Locations and Services in Fortnite
Friendly NPCs can provide life-saving services and sell useful items. Here are all the friendly NPCs in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 and what they have to offer:
Collection number
Available services
Nightshift Forest
Sells Holo Twist Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)
Sells Shield Potion 50 gold bars)
Requests item
South of Demon's Dojo
Available for hire as a Heavy Specialist (250 gold bars)
Sells Twinfire Auto Shotgun (200 gold bars)
Twinkle Terrace
Sells Holo Twister Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)
Sells Chug Splash (120 gold bars)
Durrr Taisho
Seaport City
Activates Rift to Go (300 gold bars)
Sells Surgefire SMG (200 gold bars)
Sells Medkit (120 gold bars)
Canyon Crossing
Available for hire as a Medic Specialist (250 gold bars)
Provides Patch Up service (100 gold bars)
Masked Meadows
Duel for a chance to get Wood and a Common-rarity Holo Twister Assault Rifle
Sells Legendary Void Oni Mask and Fire Oni Mask (Rep required)
Lost Lake
Available for hire as a Supply Specialist (250 gold bars)
Sells Sentinel Pump Shotgun (200 gold bars)
Sells Holo Twister Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)
Seaport City
Sells Suppressed Pistol (100 gold bars)
Sells Chug Splash (120 gold bars)
Canyon Crossing
Sells Twinfire Auto Shotgun (200 gold bars)
Sells Shockwave Grenades (100 gold bars)
Sakura Plunge landmark
Activates Rift to Go (300 gold bars)
Sells Oni Shotgun (200 gold bars)
Near the Giant Turtle
Sells Oni Shotgun (200 gold bars)
Sells Legendary Oni Shotgun (Rep required)
Santa Suit Mariah
Southeast of Brutal Boxcars
Provides Patch Up service (100 gold bars)
Sells Holiday Presents (400 gold bars)
Emote for Holiday Present
Santa Dogg
Southeast of Brutal Boxcars
Activates Prop Disguise (50 gold bars)
Sells Sentinel Pump Shotgun (300 gold bars)
Santa Shaq
Masked Meadows
Activates Rift to Go (300 gold bars)
Provides Patch Up service (100 gold bars)
Sells Shockwave Grenades (100 gold bars)
Sgt. Winter
Northwest of Masked Meadows
Sells Holo Twister Assault Rifle (300 gold bars)
Sells Blizzard Grenade (50 gold bars)
Shadow Blade Hope
Hopeful Heights
Activates Rift to Go (300 gold bars)
Sells Fury Assault Rifle (200 gold bars)
Sells Legendary Fury Assault Rifle (Rep required)
Vengeance Jonesy
Hopeful Heights
Sells Surgefire SMG (200 gold bars)
Sells Legendary Surgefire SMG (Rep required)
Northeast of Masked Meadows
Available for hire as a Scout Specialist (250 gold bars)
Sells Surgefire SMG (200 gold bars)
Sells Shockwave Grenades (100 gold bars)
Hostile NPCs and Bosses in Fortnite
There are hostile NPCs on the island as well, but this doesn't mean that you should avoid them altogether, as most of them have a valuable reward that can impact the rest of the match.
Medallion Bosses Locations in Fortnite
As soon as players start the match, markers will appear on each player's map. These markers indicate the presence of a Medallion Boss that has not been fully defeated yet.There are two medallions on the map, and each one provides a unique ability that only its carrier can yield.
Shogun X
Shogun X is a roaming boss, which means he doesn't have a fixed spawning location. Thankfully, his location appears on marked on players' maps.
Players can beat Shogun X's initial phase to get his Mythic Sentinel Pump Shotgun. However, they must survive long enough to visit the floatig island and fully eliminate Shogun X to secure his Medallion, Mythic Fire Oni Mask, and Mythic Typhoon Blade. Shogun X's Medallion gives players infinite stamina and grants them an invisibility cloak while sprinting.
Night Rose
Night Rose can be found at Demon's Dojo. Players can defeat her by shooting at the Oni Mask's eyes while avoiding oncoming damage. Once dealt with, Night Rose drops a Medallion, a Mythic Veiled Precision SMG, and a Mythic Void Oni Mask. Night Rose's Medallion makes it so the player's weapons automatically reload.
Forecast Tower Guard Locations in Fortnite
There are four Forecast Towers on the Fortnite map:
East of Burd
Northwest of Shining Span
Southwest of Lost Lake
North of Brutal Boxes
However, only two of them will spawn per game. Before the second Storm Circle begins to close, three hostile NPCs will spawn near the Forecast Towers.
Players can take them out in order to collect the mini-boss's Epic-rarity Holo Twister Assault Rifle or Fury Assault Rifle and receive the Keycard so they can secure the forecast, giving them access to the location of the next Storm Circle before it's revealed.
Demon Warrior Locations in Fortnite
There are portals on the map that allow Demon Warriors to enter the Battle Royale island. Similarly to Forecast Tower bosses, at these locations, gamers will encounter two weaker guards and a mini-boss.
When gamers take out a Demon Warrior, it will drop a boon, which grants them a helpful buff for the rest of the match. Here is where players can find Demon Warriors in Fortnite:
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